The 10 Commandments of Urban Development

10 points for an urban development that benefits everyone - AK study for urban development.

1. old and new connect
Cross-connections must be designed to be pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly, for example through wider pavements.

2. managing ground floor zones
Shopping around the corner, running errands around the corner, meeting people or going to the doctor: That's what makes up the quality of life in the district.

3. moderating living together
Whether too many dogs romp at the playground or cyclists or skaters on the sidewalks irritate pedestrians: Solutions are to be sought on site with those affected.

4. free space for all age groups
Parents with small children, teenagers, senior citizens or recreational athletes: they all need "their" space.

5. open places and courtyards for everyone
 Often the ownership situation in large residential areas prevents everyone from being able to use the squares and courtyards. This must change, regardless of whether the courtyards and squares belong to large private investors or are public. 6.

6. one city, not only many houses
A property developer alone does not design a quarter. The city and the districts must ensure more community here. Cooperation across building sites must be supported.

7. pay attention to the urban climate during construction
Green roofs and facades, trees and lawns provide a better climate and a pleasant living environment.

8. create free passages for all
When the footpath is safe, restful and not too long, more people walk. That is why there must be paths through large blocks of flats instead of around them.

9. Where there is no house, it must be possible to live.
Soil is scarce in growing Vienna. But many infiltration areas are not used. They could be used to create urgently needed playgrounds and recreational areas. 10.

10. Don't leave people standing in the rain
Anyone waiting for a bus, train or suburban train must be able to do so in covered bus shelters with seating and lighting.

Study by the Chamber of Labour: "New urban development areas. 10 Rules for the Growing Vienna", No. 03/2017