
High net-worth investors are drawn to Berlin

Wealth Report: Berlin, Berlin. They want to go to Berlin.

Wealthy investors are attracted to Berlin "The investors I meet increasingly want to talk about Berlin," explained Lord Andrew Hay, Global Head of Residential at Knight Frank, in a private session of the Tagesspiegel: "The city is regarded as a "safe haven" in Europe. In addition, there is a young population here, which is also important. Young people want to live where they work - you have to know that when it comes to investments. In order to attract these talents, there must be high-quality and affordable housing for them." Hong Kong and Monaco, for example, are no longer so interesting for acquisitions - this is also due to the changed tax framework. Europe's major cities are already more in the focus of investors: "Six alone are among the top 20," says the Lord, referring to cities such as Amsterdam, Frankfurt am Main, Paris and Madrid. Munich and Berlin reach places eleven and twelve of the "Prime International Residential Index" - they are strongly perceived internationally. Especially since investors today spend more on real estate than in the past ten years. "In recent years, Berlin has firmly established itself on the world map of wealthy real estate investors," secondary Sven Henkes. With an increase in value of ten percent, Berlin prime apartments would have brought their owners a significant increase in assets, analyses the Ziegert man.